Welcome to iD’s grand kitchen. Check out the sneak peek of our factory, where your favourite batter is made every single day.

Welcome to iD's
grand batter kitchen

At iD, we make our batter exactly as you do in your kitchen. Don't take our word for it. Watch the end-to-end batter-making process and confirm what you have always known: iD Batter is made with age-old tradition and lots of love.

A tour of iD's kitchen by our Chief Manufacturing Officer

Watch GLN Murthy, our Chief Manufacturing Officer take you through the entire batter-making process in iD’s grand home kitchen. The finest ingredients are soaked, ground and mixed with our state-of-the-art machinery to create the finest batter.

The end-to-end livestream of our TransparenSee campaign ended on 3rd April '22. However, you are always welcome to visit our factory and see the batter-making process for yourself. Just get in touch with us at info@idfreshfood.com and we will update you as soon as we’re open for factory visits.

iD 100% Authentic is a registerd trademark of iD Fresh Food (India) Pvt. Ltd & imitation of label design is a punishable offense & subject to litigation.